Wednesday, November 23, 2005


for·tu·i·tous P Pronunciation Key (fôr-t-ts, -ty-)
1. Happening by accident or chance. See Synonyms at accidental.
2. Usage Problem.
a. Happening by a fortunate accident or chance.
b. Lucky or fortunate.

My how things seem to be in a state of flux, which is typical, but seems extraordinary now. Work seems to be settling down a bit. Still not quite sure what's going on sometimes. Sometimes I don't know that I want to know though. Projects there seem to be working as planned. Maybe not on the schedule that was planned, but working none-the-less.

I've run into a couple of quite fortuitous situations in the last month or so. Maybe my "luck" is changing? I have run into another opportunity with who I'll call Developer "O". It seems that I can help "evangelize" in a way a product or two that I am totally excited about. I can't wait to see what more comes of this. It really would be a dream opportunity. It would involve talking about products that I'm excited about, that I think I'm and expert with (they must think so too...) and talking to people. And I'd get paid to do this! What could be better?

Let call another one Developer "D". Wow, this one kinda came out of the blue. This is also a really exciting opportunity, but it is not yet at the scale of "O". Of course, things are just starting to "congeal" and "cascade". I've been working on developing a very strong relationship with this particular developer for years. And now it's "accelerating" quite rapidly.

See how these blog entries kind of flow together?

Then there's the dark horse of the group. Where the hell did this one come from? I struck a deal with an acquaintance and in the midst of my investigations I happened to run head first into heck of an opportunity. It seems that my very long relationship with Developer "K" is stronger than I thought. I can't really talk about the details. But suffice it to say that I'm still absolutely dumbfounded by the latest events. Those recent events will open up to me a lot more opportunities for training and consulting. But also with implementations at customer sites. And that is quite interesting. It opens up a market more to me than I had previously had access to. While I understand one of the products previous versions, I haven't exactly kept up with it. Now I have an opportunity to help sell AND train/consult in a product as well as develope new business in another product.

A cohort and I are getting ready to self publish our first title. Very exciting stuff. I just hope that the target market recognizes the need and "impetus" behind it. I guess that's what marketing people are for...

Again, things are starting to congeal, cascade and accelerate. Of course, personal events are starting to do the same thing too. But that's an entirely different story. But I'd say that those events also would include the previously mentions words and "fortuitous" in the list of adjectives used to describe events. Not that it's all a bed of roses, but better than they have been for a while.

I've arrived at the conclusion that some things are meant to be just out of reach. And that there are some things that you can or should reach for. And I'm reaching for this one. I just hope I don't push it beyond my reach.


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